Wild life


Landscape,animals,birds of everyday 風景、動物、野鳥の日常



Portrait「稚児隼」Portrait「ムクドリ幼鳥」 His young life disappeared without knowing almost nothing of the world Without also kown that there is a meaning that has disappeared ... Peregrine falcon is giving his body to the bronc The child…

Bird and flower

「Bird and flower」 Chestnut eared bunting perched in day lily amid rain Bird perched on the flower looks cute 雨降る中ニッコウキスゲにとまるホオアカ 花にとまる鳥は可愛いですね

Small life

「Small life 」 小さな生命 Is Oirase stream in Aomori Prefecture of Japan Very beautiful moss will grow Moss also is alive hard 日本の青森県にある奥入瀬渓流です。 とても綺麗な苔が成長します。 苔も一生懸命生きてます。 奥入瀬はいつ行っても楽…

Red flanked bluetail

Red flanked bluetail ルリビタキ Bath time And to clean the dirty body Body becomes clean is lapis lazuli color were beautiful 水浴びをし瑠璃色がより美しくなりました!

「 Goshawk 」

Title 「 Goshawk 」 Chosen work is to DailyDozen in National Geographic Juvenile of goshawk is in a snowstorm hunted Was hunting has been the crows ナショナルジオグラフィックでDailyDozenに選ばれた作品です。 オオタカの幼鳥が吹雪の中、狩りを…